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3 of the Most Common Risk Factors of Plantar Fasciitis

You feel a stabbing pain in your heel that it only gets worse when you move around. You might have plantar fasciitis, a podiatry condition that affects an estimated 1 in 10 Americans. In fact, plantar fasciitis alone could account for up to 80% of all cases of heel pain.

Plantar fasciitis occurs when your plantar fascia becomes damaged or inflamed. The plantar fascia is a thick band of strong tissue that acts to support the arch of each of your feet. When the plantar fascia suffers damage, you may lose the ability to fully use your feet. 

Some risk factors can make you more prone to plantar fasciitis. And if you’re at risk for plantar fasciitis, you should learn more about this potentially serious podiatry problem. That knowledge could save you from heel pain down the road. 

At Concord Podiatry, David Biss, DPM, and our team of podiatry experts can advise you on how to avoid plantar fasciitis and can treat any symptoms as needed to keep you happy on your feet.

Increased risk of plantar fasciitis with age

Like many other parts of your body, the plantar fascia has to withstand the pressure of daily use over the course of the years. And sometimes as you age, the plantar fascia can get worn out. After all, your feet experience a lot of wear-and-tear.

That’s why, in general, your risk of developing plantar fasciitis goes up as you age. People ages of 40-60 years old are at a higher risk of plantar fasciitis.

Could getting in shape help you avoid plantar fasciitis?

If you’re overweight, you put more pressure on your feet when you move and stand. If you’re overweight or obese, or have a high body weight due to pregnancy, your risk of plantar fasciitis is heightened.

Losing some weight and getting in shape might be the best way for you to avoid plantar fasciitis. But you need to use the right exercise techniques to protect your feet and avoid stressing your plantar fascia. Dr. Biss can recommend the right exercise plan for you this spring.

Overuse, footwear-related stress, and plantar fasciitis

The ways you use your feet can make a big difference in your risk of developing plantar fasciitis. If you spend a lot of time on your feet, especially if you wear high heels, your plantar fascia experiences a lot of wear.

Some types of exercise activity, including running, can overstress your plantar fascia. For some people, exercise can worsen symptoms of plantar fasciitis, leaving you in more pain after your workout than before you started.

Treatment options to restore your feet

If you suspect that you could be starting to develop plantar fasciitis, get in touch with us at Concord Podiatry for a diagnosis and custom treatment plan. The pain and inflammation are likely to worsen over time, so don’t delay scheduling your appointment.

Depending on your treatment needs, Dr. Biss may recommend prescription orthotic inserts to support your feet. You might also benefit from personalized physical therapy exercises, including stretches to help your feet warm-up before activity.

Corticosteroid injections can ease pain and discomfort related to plantar fasciitis. In severe cases, Dr. Biss may recommend surgical treatment to repair your feet.

Schedule your evaluation at Concord Podiatry by calling us now or using our online tool to book an appointment at your convenience. We have offices in Concord and Plymouth, New Hampshire.

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